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The  1959  Livingstonian  is  a  pictorial  accovint  of  the  life  and 
activities  of  Livingstone  College  during  the  academic  year  of  1958- 
59.  The  yearbook  is  designed  by  the  Yearbook  Staff  of  1959  to  be 
a  brief  reminder  of  some  of  the  memorable  moments  spent  during 
our  sojourn  within  these  hallowed  halls.  It  would  be  impossible  to 
catch  more  than  a  glimpse  of  the  wonderful  experiences  enjoyed  at 
Livingstone  College  for  many  of  our  experiences  have  left  such  an 
indelible  mark  on  our  lives  that  they  cannot  be  separately  illustrated. 

The  final  trumpet  has  blown  and  the  vicissitudes  of  our  journey 
are  now  a  part  of  the  inimitable  past.  However,  we  hope  that  in 
some  way  our  class  history  and  our  spirit  of  oneness  will  serve  to 
inspire  and  lift  those  who  are  to  come  this  way.  It  is  our  hope  that 
this  yearbook  will  illustrate  the  ideals  and  philosophy  of  the  fonder 
and  those  charged  with  the  perpetuation  of  Livingston  College.  Per- 
haps by  leafing  through  the  pages  of  this  book,  one  can  forget  the 
cacophony  of  personal  frustrations  and  strife  and  hear  the  all  in- 
spiring symphony  of  faith  and  hope-  faith  in  and  hope  for  our  be- 
loved Livingstone.  Inclosing  may  we  leave  these  few  words  which 
so  adequately  express  what  we  would  like  to  say. 

'Tis  not  the  softer  things  of  life 

Which  stimulate  man's  will  to  strive 

But  bleak  adversity  and  strife 

Do  most  keep  man's  will  alive 

O'er  rose-strewn  paths  the  weaklings  creep 

But  brave  hearts  dare  to  climb  the  steep. 

These  words  embrace  the  principles  held  dear  by  the  class  of 
1959.  We  hope  that  this  verse  will  also  act  as  an  inspiring  force 
to  all  who  may  read  this  annual. 

Bernard  E.  Anderson 

IljI  I 



Dr.  Trent 

I  love  vast  libraries;  yet  there  is  doubt 
If  one  be  better  with  them  or  without 

Unless  he  uses  them  wisely,  and  indeed, 
Knows  the  high  art  of  what  and  how  to  read 

At  learning's  fountain  it  is  sweet  to  drink 
But  'tis  nobler  privilege  to  think. 

And  oft,  from  books  apart,  the  thirsting  mind 
May  make  the  nectar  which  it  cannot  find. 

Tis  well  to  borrow  from  the  good  and  great 
Tis  wise  to  learn;  tis  godlike  to  create 

J.  G.  Saxe 

We,  the  class  of  1959,  with  love  that  cannot  % 
iVv.  be  excelled,  humility  that  cannot  be  described 
and  with  utmost  in  gratitude,  dedicate  this  1959 
^'     UVINGSTONIAN  to  our  beloved  parents.  They 
have,  through  the  years,  shared  our  responsi-, 
Jm-.    bilities,  our  hopes,  our  desires,  kept  us  believing  V;?, 
^0")-     that  all  things  are  possible,  listened  and  under-  ' 

stood  when  on  one  else  could,  and  made  us  calm  f 
v(r        when  seas  of  confusion  were  raging.  Because  of 

their  sincerity,  their  faith,  their  love,  we  are  the  ;^ 
senior  class  of  1959.  Therefore,  with  apprecia-  ; ' 
;,;         tion  that  reaches  out  and  grasps  every  beloved, 
parent,  the  class  of  '59  dedicates  this  annual.  ;U 

Jh  Memoriam 


"Sunset  and  evening  star 
And  one  clear  call  for  me. 
May  there  be  no  mourning  at  the  bar, 
When  I  put  out  to  sea." 

Gwendolyn  Patricia  Shuler  died  on  August  22,  1956,  at  21  years  of  age.  The  death  of 
this  wonderful  person  and  classmate  is  still  a  shock  to  the  Senior  Class.  Miss  Shuler 
was  extraordinary  in  many  ways  and  will  be  remembered.  A  great  person  has  gone 
from  us,  and  together  we  mourn  her  passing,  consoling  ourselves  with  this  thought: 
"Quem  didiliguntadolescensmoritus,"  which  means,  He  whom  the  gods  love  dies  while 
a  youth. 

"Weep  no  more  woeful  classmates. 
Weep  no  more. 
Patricia  is  not  dead. 

Passed  though  she  be  forever  from  our  door. 
Out  in  the  world  by  some  powerful  hand  led, 
She  could  not  stay  the  years  of  study  through 
But  passed,  to  find  fresh  fields  and  pastures  new." 

Class  of  '59 



The  history  of  the  class  of  1959  is  so  dramatic  and  colorful  that  it  resem- 
bles a  play-  one  of  those  modern  plays  that  so  skiLLfully  disregard  all  the  rules 
of  the  drama.  With  your  kind  permission,  I,  as  dramatic  critic  of  the  LIVING- 
STONIAN,  shall  review  the  play  called  "The  Class  of  1959"  in  an  absolutely 
non-prejudiced  manner. 

Thisisaplay  in  four  acts  with  three  all  too  brief  intermissions.  Through- 
out the  action,  there  is  very  incidental  music  by  the  college  choral  union.  The 
play  was  written  by  the  actors  as  they  played  their  parts,  under  the  direction 
of  President  Emeritus  W.  J.Trent,  Acting  President  John  H.  Brockett,  Presi- 
dent S.  E.  Duncan,  and  a  Board  of  Trustees  with  the  cooperation  of  loyal  sup- 
porters of  the  A.M.E.  Zion  Churches  throughout  the  United  States  and  abroad. 
It  is  given  by  an  all  star  cast. 

This  play  belongs  to  no  particular  classification,  being,  at  various  stages- 
no  pun  intended-  comedy  and  tragedy  and  sometimes  a  review-  spelled  any  way 
you  please . 

The  scenes  all  take  place  in  Price  Administration  Building,  Goler  Hall,  the 
Ubrary,  Dodge  Hall,  Harris  Hall,  Ballard  Hall,  and  the  W.  J.  Trent  Gymnasium. 
The  stage  settings  are  plain,  showing  signs  of  much  use. 

Act  1  shows  the  arrival  of  the  class  as  they  enter  the  gates  and  feel  the 
unusual  tranquility  beneath  the  maples  and  oaks.  Their  timidity  and  curious 
mistakes  furnish  some  moments  of  bright  comedy.  There  is  rapidly  rising 
action  and  the  villian  gradually  puts  in  an  appearance.  He  is  called  Study  and 
is  of  alarming  size  and  proportions.  It  is  evident  that  he  will  interfere  with 
the  enjoyment  and  leisure  of  the  actors,  now  known  as  Freshmen. 

At  the  close  of  the  act,  tragedy  seems  imminent  because  there  is  a  des- 
perate affair-  a  mental  crisis  created  by  Study's  brother,  the  villian,  Exami- 
nations. But  the  Freshmen,  with  one  last  spurt  of  their  tired  brains,  win. 
Somberness  does  not  predominate  in  this  act;  there  are  athletic  and  social  ac- 
tivities. The  actors  come  back  to  the  stage  for  curtain  call;  and  from  them, 
the  audience  discovers  the  following  facts  concerning  the  progress  of  the  Fresh- 
men: Peggy  Byers  was  elected  by  the  football  team  as  an  attendant  to  Miss 
Homecoming;  Marshall  Lofton,  AcoUa  Moore,  and  Bernard  Anderson  were  a- 
mong  the  top  ten  ranldng  students;  Daisy  Bowman  and  Nancy  McNeil  distin- 
guished themselves  in  dramatics  by  participating  in  "Deep  Are  the  Roots"; 
Louis  Martin,  Fred  Smith,  Edmund  Hasty,  and  William  King  have  made  a  good 
showing  on  the  football  team;  Louis  Martin,  Charles  McDwain,  and  William 
King  have  received  letters  for  their  splendid  performances  on  the  "hardwood"; 
honorable  mention  to  the  E.I.A.C.  was  also  given  to  Louis  Martin. 

And  now  the  president  of  this  illustrious  class,  William  Durant,  pulls  the 
curtain  on  the  rejoicing  Freshmen  who  are  nevertheless  not  whoUy  free  from 
afeeling  that  though  this  encounter  with  Study  has  been  safely  passed,  the  worst 
is  yet  to  come.  The  actors  are  pleasing,  but  decidedly,  amateurish. 

After  an  intermission  of  twelve  weeks,  during  which  the  actors  go  away  on 
vacations  or  stay  at  home  and  help  with  the  work,  the  play  is  resumed. 

Act  II  shows  the  same  people  in  the  same  place,  but  they  are  now  known  as 
Sophomores,  owing  to  an  advance  in  rank.  A  touch  of  pathos  is  found  in  the 
absence  of  several  of  the  cast  who  were  so  disabled  in  the  encounter  with 
study's  ally.  Examinations,  that  they  were  unable  to  appear  in  the  second  act. 

There  are  pleasant  divertissements  in  the  shape  of  dances,  concerts,  and 
banquets.  In  this  act,  members  of  the  cast  seem  to  have  achieved  a  charm,  an 
ease  of  manner,  and  a  feeling  of  security  that  were  noticeably  lacldng  in  Act  I. 
Incipient  love  affairs  are  noticed,  and  the  costumes  are  much  more  elaborate, 
as  is  also  the  make-up  used. 

Yet  the  mention  of  Study,  like  the  word  "soul"  of  "Siberia",  in  a  Russian 
drama,  casts  a  gloom  over  brightness.  More  time  is  spent  than  before  in  pre- 
paration is  more  systematic.  There  also  seems  to  be  more  mental  activity  in 
the  protagonists. 

As  the  curtains  close  on  the  Sophomores,  we  find  that  the  following  mem- 
bers of  the  cast  have  distinguished  themselves:  Cyphese  Ramseur  has  been 
selectedasthe  Sweetheart  of  the  Lampados  Club,  Joelyn  Sinton  has  earned  the 
title  of  "Miss  Livingstone"  and  the  Sweetheart  of  Alpha  Phi  Alpha  Faternity; 
and  in  dramatics,  Acolia  Moore,  Mary  Jordan,  Nancy  McNeil,  Daisy  Bowman, 
and  Novella  Legrand  have  taken  part  in  "A  Man  Called  Peter".  In  the  sports, 
we  find  that  Carlotta  Arthur,  Gladys  Torrence,  Martha  Bacote,  and  Thelma 
Burris  were  successful  in  making  the  girls'  basketbaU  team;  James  Holmes, 
Nelson  Pharr,  John  Mayfield  and  Roger  Kirk  have  become  members  of  the  foot- 
ball team.  The  Most  Valuable  Player  and  Sidney  Greene  Awards  have  been  won 
by  Roger  Kirk;  the  E.I.A.C.  Honors  went  to  Roger  Kirk,  Louis  Martin,  and  Ed- 
mund Hasty. 

Another  intermission,  and  we  stagger  in  to  Act  HI.  Again  the  same  people 
in  the  same  place-  which  may  make  the  play  sound  monotonous  to  you,  but  1 
assure  you  it  is  not.  The  actors  are  so  changed  that  each  act  seems  like  an 
entirley  new  play.  They  are  called  Juniors.  Their  positions  and  their  pride 
both  advanced,  but  there  remains  the  haunting  dread  of  Study,  the  villian. 

The  director  allows  the  actors  much  more  freedom  than  they  have  pre- 
viously enjoyed.  Many  improve  their  performance  because  of  this,  but  a  few 
come  to  grief,  and  their  poor  performance  detracts  much  from  the  possibili- 
ties of  the  play.  There  are  many  delightful  interludes  to  make  this  a  cheer- 
ful act. 

But  with  the  added  maturity  of  the  players,  there  comes  more  strenuous 
preparation  for  encounters  with  the  villain,  who  lurks  ever  in  the  background 
ready  to  invite  a  contest  at  the  most  inopportune  and  unexpected  moments. 

By  this  time,  some  of  the  actors,  all  of  whom  entered  the  cast  on  a  footing 
of  equality,  have  come  more  prominently  into  the  spotlight,  and  their  parts  are 
assuming  almost  stellar  proportions  in  the  following  manner:  Henry  Moses  has 
been  selected  by  his  classmates  as  their  president  for  the  second  consecutive 
year;  Mary  Burwell  has  been  sleected  as  the  Sweetheart  of  Omega  Psi  Phi 

Fraternity;  Gloria  Credle  has  been  selected  as  the  Sweetheart  of  Phi  Beta 
Sigma  Fraternity;  Acolia  Moore,  Nancy  McNeil,  Mary  Jordan,  Novella  Legrand, 
Marshall  Lofton  have  taken  part  in  "The  Night  of  January  16".  Henry  Moses, 
Barbara  McClain,  John  Mayfield,  Cynthia  Martin,  Edward  Thompson,  Leon 
Gilmore  have  been  initiated  into  Beta  Kappa  Chi  Honor  Society  for  Natural 
Scientists;  Daisy  Bowman,  Membra  Bethea,  Marshall  Lofton,  Mary  Jordan, 
Acolia  Moore,  Bernard  Anderson,  Shirley  Smith,  Fred  Young,  and  William  Du- 
rant have  been  initiated  into  Sigma  Rho  Sigma  Honor  Society  for  Social  Science 
Majors;  Marshall  Lofton  and  Henry  Moses  have  been  selected  as  the  Chief 
Marshals  for  Commencement,  along  with  other  Marshals  who  are  Daisy  Bow- 
man, DelGratia  Moreland,  Mary  Jordan,  Shirley  Smith,  Willie  Worthy,  and 
William  Durant. 

Other  unexpected  things  are  happening.  Many  who  came  on  in  the  first 
act  with  enthusiasm  and  high  hopes  have  wearied  of  the  struggle  and  left  the 
cast  in  search  of  positions  offering  speedy  remuneration  and  less  brain  fatigue. 
We  miss  them,  but  realize  that  they  maybe  entirelyjustified  in  their  withdrawal. 

Before  the  curtain  falls,  there  is  the  dreaded  but  certain  conflict.  Study's 
emissary,  Examinations,  is  defeated  again,  but  this  time  more  drastically  than 
ever  before,  perhaps  because  those  who  fell  by  the  way  before  were  less  vigor- 
ous fighter  sand  probably  because  the  survivors  profited  by  their  sad  fate.  As 
the  final  climax  of  Act  III,  the  actors  give  their  most  elaborate  social  affair- 
The  Fantastic  Junior-Senior  Prom. 

Again  an  intermission  of  twelve  weeks,  which  both  actors  and  audience 
greatly  enjoy,  perhaps  because  they  realize  that  there  is  but  one  more  act  to 

Act  IV  arrives  at  last  and  is  warmly  received.  By  this  time,  the  actors 
are  so  matured,  so  at  ease,  so  changed  for  the  better  that  they  are  difficult  to 
recognize.  We  seem  to  view  with  rose-colored  spectacles  the  scene  that  so 
soon  will  vanish.  It  looks  impossibly  attractive. 

We  have  grown  honestly  fond  of  all  the  cast,  some  of  whom  we  regarded 
with  anything  but  favor  as  the  curtain  rose  on  the  first  act  of  this  queer  play. 
Even  that  arch-villain,  Study  seems  less  formidable.  Would  not  it  be  curious 
if  we  grew  to  like  him  ?  The  actors  are  certainly  on  much  more  familiar  terms 
with  him  now  than  they  have  been  before. 

The  action  is  more  rapid  and  more  complicated  than  in  the  preceding  acts. 
There  is  more  comedy  than  before  and  there  are  some  delightful  interpolations. 

The  actors  who  showed  promise  of  being  stars  in  the  preceding  act  have  ful- 
filled that  promise  and  shine  brightly.  They  are  as  foUows:  Joelyn  Sinton  has 
been  chosen  by  the  football  team  as  Miss  Homecoming;  Carlotta  Arthur  has 
earned  the  title  of  Miss  Livingstone;  Rosetta  Robinson  has  earned  the  title  of 
Miss  UNCF;  Madelyn  Barnhill  has  been  selected  as  the  Sweetheart  of  Omega 
Psi  Phi  Fraternity;  Louise  Rice  has  been  selected  as  the  Sweetheart  of  Phi 
Beta  Sigma  Fraternity;  Louis  Martin  has  been  chosen  as  Co-Captain  of  the 
football  team  and  he  has  also  been  chosen  as  the  Most  Valuable  Player;  E.I. A. 
C.  Honors  have  been  awarded  to  Edmund  Hasty,  Fred  Smith,  and  Charles  Mc- 
Ilwain.  In  basketball  Nollie  Davis  has  been  selected  as  the  captain  and  E.I. A. 
C.  Honors  have  been  awarded  to  Roger  Kirk;  Henry  Moses  has  been  awarded 
the  College  Scholarship  Award  for  the  second  consecutive  year;  the  following 
have  made  "Who's  Who  in  American  Colleges  and  Universities":  Marshall  Lof- 
ton, Acolia  Moore,  Barbara  McClain,  Henry  Moses  and  Bernard  Anderson.  The 
entire  production  attains  a  smoothness  and  a  finish  that  are  pleasing.  In  spite 
of  all  the  gaiety,  grim  preparation  is  going  on  to  the  end  that  those  who  are  new 
stars  may  remain  so  and  that  others  may  continue  in  the  cast.  Many  hearts  are 
weak  with  anxiety.  Astheactnears  its  close,  faces  and  brows  drawn  with  worry 
are  noticeable  for  this  is  the  final  struggle.  Victory  means  freedom  from  the 
dreaded  enemy,  Study,  and  his  ally,  Examinations. 

At  last  the  fatal  hour  arrives;  Final  Examination  raises  his  sinster  head. 
The  seniors  meet  the  attack  courageously  and  well  organized.  As  a  result  of 
concentration  and  hard  work,  the  Class  emerges  victoriously. 

And  then  there  is  the  symbolic  touch  without  which  no  play  is  complete; 
there  is  the  ironic  twist  of  the  new  school  of  dramatists.  Study,  met  face  to 
face,  is  found  to  be  a  friend  and  not  the  enemy  it  was  thought  to  be.  It  is  now 
accepted  as  a  valuable  ally  to  possess  throughout  Ufe.  The  strenuous  prepara- 
tion for  battle  was  a  blessing  in  disguise,  and  everyone  is  happy. 

And  now  as  the  curtain  slowly  comes  together  on  the  fourth  act  of  the  play, 
the  entire  cast,  with  our  diligent  preisdent,  George  Tharrington,  and  our  advisor. 
Miss  Charlotte  L.  Chatman,  pause  on  the  threshhold  of  life  with  a  burst  of  pride 
and  glory  because  we  have  reached  a  milestone  on  the  path  that  leads  to  the 
margin  of  excellence. 

Mary  Elizabeth  Jordan,  Class  Historian 

Edgar  N.  French,  A.B.,  P.D., 
College  Minister 

Ollie  Burnside, 

Julia  B.  Duncan,  A.B., 

Emily  H.  Harper,  B.S., 
Secretary  to  Treasurer 

Hattie  N.  Flack, 
Dean  of  Women 

Helen  Smith,  Certificate, 
Secretary  to  Registrar 

Marion  E.  Gunn,  A.B., 
Secretary  to  President 

Nina  R.  Dacons, 
Assistant  Matron 

Lena  V.  Matthews,  B.S., 
Secretary  to  Dean  of  Hood 
Theological  Seminary 

Marlowe  F.  Shute,  B.S.,  M.S.,  Ed.D. 

Lois  H.  Reeves,  R.N.,  B.S. 
College  Nurse 

Alcestis  Coleman, 
Director  of  Boys'  Dormitories 

James  R.  Valencourt, 
B.A.,  M.A.,  Ph.D.  EngUsh 
Bible  and  Psychology 

John  H.  Brockett, 
B.S.,  M.S., 



Samuel  L.  Hopkins, 
A.B.,  M.S., 


Mrya  M.  Thomas, 
A.B.,  Mus.  B.,  Mus.  M., 

Victoria  P.  Yates 
A.B.,  M.A., 


Hodge  E.  Taylor, 
B.S.,  M.A., 

Joshua  O.  Romao, 
B.A.,  M.A., 

History  and  Social  Science 

Clark  S.  Coffin, 
A.B.,  Mus.  B., 

Norman  Wilson, 
A.B.,  M.S., 

Levi  V.  Walker, 


Blanche  Jordan, 
B.S.,  M.A., 

Director  of  Guidance 

James  W.  Jewell, 
A.B.,  M.S.,  Ph.D.,  Th.D 

Florence  N.  Mitchell, 

Physical  Education 

Lovett  A.  Warner, 
A.B.,  M.A., 
Physical  Education 

Elbert  L.  Harris, 
A.B.,  A.M., 


Asker  B.  Hawkins, 
B.S.,  M.A., 

Physics  and  Mathematics 

Mary  Hopkins, 
B.A.,  M.A., 


Louise  M.  Rountree, 
A.B.,  B.L.S.,  M.S./L.S. 

Library  Science 

Olive  Sawyer, 
A.B.,  M.A., 
Business  Education 

Elnora  Smith, 
A.B.,  M.Litt., 


Charlotte  Chatman, 

French  and  German 

Dean  of  Seminary 
I  Brown,  Frank  R. 

I  A.B.,  S.T.B.,  M.A.,  Ed.D. 


Mi^fd  Zheological  Semmary  'JacuUy 

Little,  Harlee  H. 
A.B.,  B.D.,  M.A. 
Practical  Theology 

Yates,  Walter  L. 
A.B.,  A.M.,  B.D. 
Church  History 

Selby,  Donald  L. 
A.B.,  B.D.,  PhD. 

New  Testament 

Spaulding,  A.  L. 
A.B.,  S.T.B.,  S.T.M. 










Mary  Faulkner 
Dora  Freeman 
Doris  Friday 
Frances  Gaitlier 
Fredrick  Gaither 
Pauline  Gibbs 

Daisy  Haire 
Ella  Hayes 
Theodis  Hayes 
Barbara  Hemphill 
Mary  Hill 
Joseph  Hueghey 

Eddie  Isom 
Mildred  Keyes 
Samuel  Leazer 
James  Lenoir 
Agnita  Loney 
Jesse  Lovell 

Frances  McAuthur 
Myrtle  McClain 
Marion  McCollough 
Cylista  McNeely 
Andrew  Mackey 
Wilton  Martin 

Olean  Massey 
Juanita  Miller 
James  Morrison 
Kenneth  Nelson 
Mary  Orr 
Josephine  Pearson 

Frances  Peterson 
Mary  Porter 
Louise  Pulliam 
Maggie  Robinson 
Raymond  Robinson 
Melvin  Rush 

Patsy  Rush 
Idella  Russell 
Christine  Smith 
Cora  Smith 
Preston  Smith 
Willie  Springs 

Mary  Starks 
Margaret  Stovall 
Bobby  Talbert 
WilUam  Taylor 
Samuel  Varner 
Geraldine  Walker 

Marva  White 
Rayfield  Whitemire 
Drucilla  Wiggins 
Julia  Williams 
Robbie  Williamson 
Helen  Withrow 

Ruby  Woodward 
Ronald  Wright 




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^^^^^^  ^TH^ 


Bell,  William 
Bennerman,  Juanita 
Berry,  Priscilla 
Black,  Thelma 
Bond,  James 
Borders,  James 

Bostic,  Barbara 
Bratton,  Andrena 
Bridges,  Ruby 
Brown,  Furney 
Brown,  Price 
Bryant,  Robert 

Bunch,  Leon 
Burton,  Samuel 
Campbell,  Ellen 
Cohen,  Louise 
Cross,  Barbara 
Cross,  Horace 

Davis,  Lilly  Ann 
Douglas,  Joella 
Dudley,  William 
Duncan,  Athalene 
Dunham,  Edna 
Esters,  Vivian 

Everett,  LaVerne 
Farrish,  Demetris 
Farrow,  Norma 
Fields,  Stella 
Foggy,  Priscilla 
Ford,  Gwendolyn 

Fog,  Doris 
Friday,  Norman 
Gaither,  Robert 
Garvin,  Huey 
Gibson,  Donald 
Gilbert,  Jimmy 

Glaze,  Alice 
Godfrey,  Fannie 
Graham,  Lena 
Hairston,  Willis 
Hardin,  Charles 
Hill,  Clarence 

Holmes,  James 
Holt,  Charles 
Hooks,  Carolyn 
Hooks,  Shirley 
Houston,  Joseph 
Hunt,  Kathleen 

Hunt,  Mary 
Ingram,  Bernice 
Irvis,  Howard 
Jackson,  LaParrot 
Joe,  Ralph 
Johnson,  Roscoe 

Jones,  Blondie 
Jones,  Hermenia 
Jones,  Madeline 
Joyce,  Vera 
Kearney,  Ethlene 
Kennedy,  WilUam 

Sarah  Leach 
Olivia  Lee 
Lavander  Lilly 
Shirley  Love 
Mary  Lovell 
Mary  Lytle 

Charlie  McCoUum 
Betty  McDonald 
Doris  McDuffie 
James  McLendon 
Jessie  McPhail 
Vouncille  Maize 

George  Maize 
EzeMel  Martin 
Brenda  Massey 
Rayford  Massey 
Sarah  Matthews 
George  Miller 

Johnnie  Mullins 
Pearline  Myers 
Portia  Nero 
Lulu  Norman 
Janice  Parks 
Evangeline  Paul 

Edna  Pearson 
Edward  Pearson 
Elizabeth  Pearson 
Flossie  Peay 
Clifford  Phifer 
Delores  Rabb 

Henry  Reeves 
Ralph  Reynolds 
George  Richardson 
Ora  Robinson 
Charles  Robinson 
Charles  Rosboro 

Ansel  Rosemond 
Sally  Rouse 
Betty  Rutherford 
Helen  Sapp 
DeForest  Scott 
Hannah  Shaw 

Barbara  Shoats 
Marselena  Smith 
Louis  Souder 
Lloyd  Stanford 
Richard  Stewart 
Rose  Stoner 

Patricia  Street 
William  Swafford 
Barbarah  Thurston 
Lloyd  Truesdale 
Roy  Washington 
Rosemary  White 

Clarence  Williams 
Leroy  Worth 
Lloyd  Yarborough 

Miss  MomecomiHg  Md  Met  Court 

Miss  Homecoming,  Carlotta  Arthur 



Price  Muild  'mg 


Zo  Study,  Zc  Zh  'mk,  Zo  Advise 



Prayer  Meeting  Council 
Sunday  School  Staff 

''JjS^^  ^^5^« 



•  i. 




Sweethearts  Of 


Martin,  Louis 
Wingback,  Capt.  E.I.A.C. 



Lavie,  Joseph 
Tackle,  E.I.A.C. 

Football  Team 

Lenoir,  James 

Little,  Rufus 

Littlejohn,  Charles 
Center  EJ.A.C. 

Lovell,  Jesse 

Massey,  Raymond 

Mcllwain,  Charles 

Partee,  Jethro,  in 
End,  E.I.A.C. 

Pearson,  Edward 

Phifer,  Cliford 

Smith,  Fred 
Tackle,  E.I.A.C. 

Whitmore,  Rayfield 

Wright,  Ronald 

^1  *^  ^ 

1  w 


Compliments  of 


Phone  Me  6-4011 
1354  West  Innes  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Phone  Me  3-2424 
711  West  Horah  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Phone  Me  3-4121 
South  Main  Extension 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Phone  Me  3-0791 
1415  South  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 


Phone  3-5996 
East  Innes  at  Long  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 


Compliments  of 


Phone  Me  3-9657 
631  West  Horah  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Phone  6-3922 
West  Innes  Extension 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Phone  Me  3-1431 
1311  Blair  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 


Phone  Me  3-9471 
1822  South  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Electrical  Contractors  since  1919 

Phone  Me  3-4331 
126  North  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Me  3-0531 
229  North  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Congratulations  Seniors 


Taylor  Mattresses  for  Comfort 
over  50  years  of  Service 

Phone  Me  3-4072 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 


Comptiments  of 


Phone  Me  3-9231 
1500  South  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Me  6-0131 
North  Long  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Me  3-0421 
200  South  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Phone  Me  3-9877 
129  East  Council  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Phone  Me  6-5241 
111  South  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 


Phone  Me  6-3281 
105  North  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Phone  Me  3-3001 
110  North  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 

ICE  &  FUEL  CO. 

Phone  Me  3-0831 
226  East  Horah  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Me  6-2071 
124  South  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 


Salisbury,  North  Carolina 


Compliments  of 


Phone  Me  6-3911 
126  West  Innes  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 

Phone  Me  3-0961 
110  East  Innes  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Congratulations  Seniors 

Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Wholesale  Distributors  of  Pottery 
Chinaware  and  Glassware 
Highway  29,  1109  North  Salisbury  Avenue 
Spencer,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 
North  Depot  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Phone  Me  3-4141 

Compliments  of 

115  Klumac  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Phone  Me  3-9521 

Compliments  of 
225  East  Fisher  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 
Phone  Me  6-2711 

Compliments  of 


Phone  Me  3-2671 
221  South  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Clothing  and  Furnishings 
Phone  Me  3-0561 
107  North  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 

1010  West  Horah  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 
Phone  Me  3-9691 

J  and  M  FLOWER  SHOP 

504  North  Main  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 
Phone  Me  6-4411 


Compliments  of 

914  Fulton  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

Compliments  of 
East  Innes  Extension 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 
Phone  Me  3-9061 


ANDERSON,  BERNARD  EUGENE,  B. A.,  Economic;  Student  Council, 
2,3;  EdItor-in-Chlef  of  "The  Livingstone",  2,3,4;  Dean's  Ust  top  ten, 
1,2,3,4;  Senior  Counselor;  Sphinx  Club,  president,  2,  Alpha  Phi  Alpha 
Fraternity,  2;  corresponding  secretary,  3,  president,  4;  Sigma  Rho 
Sigma  Honorary  Society,  3,  president,  4;  Social  Science  Club,  1-4; 
Pre-Alumni  Club  vice-president,  3,  member,  4,  Choral  Union,  1-4; 
Concert  Choir,  2,3,4;  Class  parliamentarian,  2,3,4;  Yearbook  Staff, 
organization  chairman;  North  Carolina  State  Student  Legislature,  2, 
3,4;  Interim  Council  Member,  3,4;  Livingstone  College  Mock  As- 
sembly, 1,2,  Speaker  of  the  House,  3,4;  Spanish  Club,  1,2;  Chairman 
Courtesy  Committee,  3,  member  2,4;  Student  Representative  to  the 
Committee  on  Fraternities  and  Sororities,  4;  Who's  Who  in  Ameri- 
can Colleges  and  Universities,  3,4. 

1537  North  60th  Street 

Philadelphia  31,  Pennsylvania 

ARTHUR,  CARLOTTA  CHEYENNE,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  YW 
C  A,  1,  Student  Council  corresponding  secretary;  Booster  Club,  1-3, 
vice-president,  4;  Commercial  Club,  1-3,  president,  4;  Band,  3,4; 
Basketball  Team,  1,2;  French  Club,  1,2;  Goler  Hall  House  Council, 
1;  Pan-Hellenic,  3,  secretary,  4;  Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority,  2,3,4; 
"Miss  Livingstone,"  4;  Livingstone  College  Mock  Assembly  corre- 
sponding secretary,  1;  Courtesy  Committee,  1;  Student  Leader  for 
"Week  of  Prayer",  3. 
Box  125 

Clifton,  South  Carolina 

ASBURY,  THOMAS  ELWOOD,  B.S.,  Mathematics;  Class  Treasurer, 
2,3,4;  YM  C  A,  1-4,  Mathematics  Club,  3,4;  Dramatics  Club,  1,2; 
Alpha  Phi  Alpha  Fraternity,  2,3,4;  Choral  Union,  1;  Natural  Science 
Club,  3;  Pan-Hellenic  Council,  4;  House  Council,  2. 

612  North  EngUsh  Street 

Monroe,  North  Carolina 

BARNHILL,  MADELYN  GLORIA,  B.  A.,  Elementary  Education;  Goler 
Hall  House  Coiincil  president,  4;  NEA,  4;  Delta  Sigma  Theta  Soror- 
ity, 4. 

816  Fairmont  Road 
Lumberton,  North  Carolina 

BARNHILL,  PEGGY  DUNCAN,  B.A.,  Sociology 
816  Fairmont  Road 
Lumberton,  North  Carolina 

BARNHILL,  ROBERT  LEE,  JR.,  B.S.,  Biology  ' 
816  Fairmont  Road 
Lumberton,  North  Carolina 

BETHEA,  MEMBRA  EUZABETH,  B.A.,  Sociology;  Y  W  C  A,  1;  Col- 
lege Choral  Union,  1-4;  Social  Science  Club,  2;  Goler  Hall  House 
Council,  2;  Sigma  Rho  Sigma  Honor  Society,  3,4;  Julia  B.  Duncan 
Players,  3;  Dean  of  Pledgees,  Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  Sorority,  4;  Senior 
Counselor,  Concert  Choir,  3,4;  Pre-Alumni  Club,  3;  Spanish  Club, 

414  Green  Street 
Laurinburg,  North  Carolina 

BIDDLE,  HATTIE  WALKER,  B.A.,  Elementary  Education;  Reporter 
NEA,  4. 

Post  Office  Box  403 
Morven,  North  Carolina 

Post  Office  Box  283 
Bennettsville,  South  Carolina 

BRYANT,  IVEYGAYNELL,  B.S.,  Mathematics;  Class  Secretary,  3, 
4;  Y  M  C  A,  1-4;  Mathematics  Club,  3,4;  Sphinx  Club,  president,  2 
Alpha  Phi  Alpha  Fraternity,  3,4;  NEA,  4;  Pre-  Alumni  Club,  3 
Natural  Science  Club,  3;  House  Council,  2. 

2006  Oakwood  Avenue 

Lumberton,  North  CaroUna 

BUIE,  GEORGE  CHARLES,  JR.,  B.A.,  History;  Pre-Theological 
Union,  1,2,3;  Football  Team,  1,2,3;  Student  Council,  1;  Editor's 
Assistant  of  Summer  School  Bulletin,  1;  German  Club,  1;  Sphinx 
Club,  1,2,3;  Choral  Union,  1,2,3. 

14239  Lumpkin  Street 

Detroit  12,  Michigan 

BURRIS,  SAM,  B.S.,  Business  Administration;  Spanish  Club,  2,3,4, 
Treasurer,  3,4;  Crescent  Club,  2;  Phi  Beta  Sigma  Fraternity,  3,4, 
Dean  of  Pledgees,  4;  "L"  Club,  3,4;  Commercial  Club,  1-4;  Harris 
Hall  House  Council  Chairman,  4;  Football  Team,  2,3,4;  Basketball 
Team,  2,3,4. 

416  Wilson  Street 

Kings  Mountain,  North  Carolina 

BURWELL,  MARY  ELIZABETH,  B.S.,  Mathematics;  Cheerleader, 
1-4;  Corresponding  Secretary,  4;  Varick  Christian  Endeavor  Staff, 
2,3,4;  JuUa  B.  IXmcan  Players,  2,3,4;  NEA,  4;  Attendant  to  Miss 
Homecoming,  2,3;  Hostess  for  Founder  Day,  1,2,3;  Pan-Hellenic 
Council,  3;  Pre-Alumni  Club,  2,3,4;  Livingstone  Staff,  4;  Yearbook 
Staff,  4;  YW  C  A,  1,2;  Prayer  Meeting  Council,  3,4;  Church  School 
Staff,  1-4;  Student  Leader  for  "Week  of  Prayer,"  3;  Natural  Science 
Club,  2,3,4;  WAA,  2,3,4;  Student  Representative  to  Social  Committee, 
3;  Omega  Sweetheart,  3;  Spanish  Club,  1,2;  Lycum  Usher,  1,2,3; 
Mathematics  Club,  1,2,3;  Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority,  2,3,4,  Assist- 
ant Dean  of  Pledgees,  2,4,  Dean  of  Pledgees,  3,  Journalist,  4. 

164  Elizabeth  Street 

Henderson,  North  Carolina 

BOWMAN,  DAISY  LEE,  B.A.,  Sociology;  YW  C  A;  Choral  Union,  1-4; 
Dramatic  Club,  1-3;  Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  Sorority,  2,3,4;  Senior  Coun- 
selor; Pan-Hellenic. 

908  South  7th  Street 

Wilmington,  North  Carolina 

CREDLE,  GLORIA  MARIE,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  Y  W  C  A,  1-3; 
Spanish  Club,  1,2;  Sunday  School  Teacher,  2,3;  Commercial  Club,  1- 
4;  Pan-Hellenic  Council,  3;  NEA,  4;  Phi  Beta  Sigma  Sweetheart,  3; 
Pre-Alumni  Club,  3;  Week  of  Prayer  CeU  Leader,  3,4;  Yearbook 
Staff,  4;  JuUa  B.  Duncan  Players,  2,3,4;  Livingstone  Staff,  4;  Zeta 
Phi  Beta  Sorority. 

Post  Office  Box  116 

James  City,  North  Carolina 

CURETON,  BETTYE  J.,  B.A.,  Sociology;  French  Club,  2;  Social 
Science  Club,  2;  Y  W  C  A,  1-4;  Ivy  Leaf  Club,  secretary,  3;  Living- 
stone Staff,  reporter,  4;  Attendant  to  Alpha  Phi  Alpha  Sweetheart,  4; 
Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  Sorority,  3,4;  Senior  Counselor;  Pre-Alunmi 
Club,  4. 

905  Maurice  Street 
Monroe,  North  Carolina 

DAVIS,  NOLLIE,  II,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  Retailing  President; 
Commercial  Club,  1-4;  "L"  Club,  4;  BasketbaU  Team,  1-4. 

209  Broad  Street 

East  Spencer,  North  Carolina 

Durante',  WILLIAM  RUDOLPH,n,A.B.,  History;  Freshman  Class 
President;  Choral  Union,  1;  Sphinx  Club,  president,  2 ;  Alpha  Phi  Alpha 
Fraternity,  2,3,3,  president,  4;  Senior  Counselor;  Yearbook  Artist, 
'57;  Editor-in-Chief  of  Yearbook,  '59;  Student  Council,  4;  SigmaRho 
Sigma  Honorary  Society,  3,4;  North  Carolina  Student  Legislature,  3, 
4;  Student  Legislature,  3,4;InterimCouncilMember,  4;  Social  Science 
Club,  l-4;Editor-in-Chief  of  Summer  School  Bulletin,  '57;  Pre-Theo- 
logical Union,  1-4;  JuUa  B.  Ehincan  Players,  1-4;  Harris  Hall  House 
Council,  4. 

67  Brightwood  Avenue 

Torrington,  Conn. 

FISHER,  LUDIE  B.,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  Y  W  C  A,  1,2;  NEA, 

chairman  of  program  committee,  4;  Commercial  Club,  1-4;  Pre- 
Alumni  Club,  3;  Spanish  Club,  1,2. 

Route  2,  Box  12 

New  Bern,  North  Carolina 


GAITHER,  THOMASENA,  B.A.,  Elementary  Education;  Class  Assist- 
ant Secretary,  3;  Associate  Editor  of  Yearboolc;  WAA,  3,  Dramatics 
Club,  3;  College  Choral  Union,  3,4;  Concert  Choir,  3,4;  Pre-Alumni 
Club,  secretary,  3;  Y  W  C  A;  President  of  NEA,  4. 

Route  7,  Box  439 

Charlotte,  North  Carolina 

GODFREY,  GEORGE  LOWES,  JR.,  Sociology;  Pre-Theological 
Union,  1-4;  Social  Science  Club,  1-4;  Spanish  Club,  3,4;  Julia  B. 
Duncan  Players,  2,3;  Sphinx  Club,  2,3,4;  Prayer  Meeting  Council,  1, 
2;  Mock  Assembly,  1,2;  Minister  of  Bethania  A.M.E.  Zion  Church, 
Winston-Salem  District,  Western  North  Carolina  Conference. 

159  South  Lexington  Avenue 

White  Plains,  New  York 

HENDERSON,  LELIA  MAE,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  Iva  Leaf  Club, 
historian,  2;  Choral  Union,  1-4;  Y  W  C  A,  1-4;  Commercial  Club,  1- 
4;  Concert  Choir,  3;  Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  Sorority,  3,4. 

312  Winston  Street 

Thomasvllle,  North  CaroUna 

INGRAM,  NEZZIE  WILMA,  B.S.,  Mathematics  ;  Y  W  C  A,  1,2,4; 
Livingstone  Staff ,  typist,  1;  Church  School  Staff,  secretary,  1;  Prayer 
Meeting  Council,  1,2;  WAA,  secretary,  Cheering  squad,  1;  Pre- 
Alumni  Club,  1,2;  French  and  German  Club,  1,2;  Mathematics  Club, 
1;  Natural  Science  Club,  1-4;  Pan-Hellenic  Council,  1;  Delta  Sigma 
Theta  Sorority,  chaplain,  3;  Pyramid  Club,  1;  NEA;  Commercial 
Club,  1. 

Route  1,  Box  177 
Rockingham,  North  Carolina 

JOHNSON,  TEVERIOUS,  B.S.  Degree,  Biology;  Y.  W.  C.  A.,  3;  Ar- 
chonian  Club,  Secretary  1,2;  French  and  German  Club,  1,2;  Natural 
Science  Club,  1,2,3,4;  Senior  Counselor,  4;  Student  representative  to 
Calendar  Committee,  4;  Pan-Hellenic  Council,  3,4;  Yearbook  Staff, 
4;  Church  School  Staff  Secretary,  4;  Tennis  Team,  3;  Prayer  Meet- 
ing Council  2,3;  Zeta  Phi  Beta  Sorority,  Grammateus,  2,3,4;  Pre- 
Alumni  Club,  Reporter,  3;  "L"  Club  4;  NEA  4;  W.  A.  A.  3,4;  Goler 
Hall  House  Council,  Secretary  3;  W.  A.  A.,  Cheering  Squad,  4. 

1824  7th  North  Avenue 

Columbus,  Mississippi 

SMITH,  SHIRLEY,  B.A.  Degree  Sociology;  Y.  W.  C.  A.;  1;  French 
Clubl;  Pyramid  Club,  2,3,4;  Christian  Endeavor,  3,4;  Social  Science 
Club,  3,4;  Sigma  Rho  Sigma  Social  Science  Fraternity,  3,4;  Lyceum, 
4;  Yearbook  Staff,  4. 

Route  2,  Box  345A 

Clarkton,  North  Carolina 

JORDAN,  MARY  ELIZABETH,  B.A.,  Sociology;  Class  Officer,  As- 
sistant Secretary,  2;  Reporter,  4;  JuUa  B.  Duncan  Players,  1-3; 
Goler  Hall  House  Council,  3;  Y.  W.  C.  A.,  1-4;  Livingstone  Staif,  1- 
4;  Student  Representative  to  Guidance  Committee,  3,4;  Sunday  School 
Teacher  in  Primary  Department  1,2,3;  Sigma  Rho  Sigma  Honor  So- 
ciety, 3,4,  Vice-President;  Ivy  Leaf  Club,  Reporter,  1;  Alpha  Kappa 
Alpha  Sorority,  2,  rVY  LEAF  Reporter,  Anti-Basileus,  3,4;  Senior 
Counselor,  4;  Yearbook  Staff,  historian;  Mock  Assembly,  2,3;  Re- 
cording Clerk;  Courtesy  Committee,  1,2,3. 

124  Granville  Street 

Oxford,  North  Carolina 

KING,  WILLIAM,  B.S.,  Biology;  Alpha  Phi  Alpha  Fraternity,  presi- 
dent of  SphinxClub,  2;  Julia  B.Duncan  Players,  1-4;  Y  M  C  A;  Foot- 
ball Team,  1,2;  Basketball  Team,  1-4;  "L"  Club,  1,2,3;  Choir,  1. 

Route  1,  Box  288 

Hubert,  North  Carolina 

LEGRAND,  NOVELLA,  B.A.,  Elementary  Education;  Julia  B.  Dun- 
can Players,  1-4;  French  and  German  Club,  2,3;  Y  W  C  A,  3,4; 
Prayer  Meeting  Council,  3,4;  WAA,  3,4;  NEA,  2,3,4;  Ivy  Leaf  Club, 
2,3;  Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  Sorority,  4;  Pre-Alimmi  Club,  3,4. 

Route  1,  Box  85 

Mt  Gilead,  North  Carolina 

LEWIS,  EULA  BELLE,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  Y  W  C  A,  1,2; 
Pyramid  Club,  2,3;  Commercial  Club,  1-4. 

Brunwick  Post  Office,  Box  48 

Whiteville,  North  Carolina 

LOFTON,  MARSHALL  JEAN,  B.A.,  Sociology;  Y  W  C  A,  president, 
1,2;  Class  Vice-President,  2;  State  Student  Legislature  Representa- 
tive, 2,3,4;  Livingstone  Staff,  1-4;  Student  Council,  Vice-President, 
corresponding  secretary,  4;  Dramatics  Club,  1;  Ivy  Leaf  Club,  presi- 
dent, 2;  Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  Sorority,  Anti-Basileus,  3,4;  Sunday 
School  Teacher,  1-3;  Sigma  Rho  Sigma  Honor  Society,  3,4;  Senior 
Counselor,  College  top  ten,  1-4;  Who's  Who  Representative,  3,4. 

1004  Macon  Street 

Kinston,  North  Carolina 

LOMAX,  GRETRUDE  LaVERNE,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  Spanish 
Club,  1,3;  Commercial  Club,  1-4;  Pyramid  Club,  1-3;  Y  W  C  A,  1,2; 
Choral  Union,  1,2;  Class  Corresponding  Secretary,  4;  Yearbook 
Staff;  Livingstone  Staff,  1-2. 

174  South  Spring  Street 

Concord,  North  Carolina 

MARTIN,  CYNTHIS  MARIE,  B.S.,  Mathematics;  Mathematics  Club, 
1,2;  Natural  Science  Club,  1-3;  Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority,  2,-4; 
"L"  Club,  1-3;  WAA,  3,4;  Pre-Alumni  Club,  3,4;  Y  W  C  A,  1-4; 
Cheering  Squad,  1-4;  Basketball  Team,  1. 

Madison  Post  Office 

Madison,  North  Carolina 

MAYFIELD,  JOHN  EMORY,  B.S.,  Biology;  Student  Council,  2;  Nat- 
ural Science  Club,  1-4;  Y  M  C  A,  1-3;  Beta  Kappa  Chi,  3,4;  Alpha 
Phi  Alpha  Fraternity,  2,3,4;  Choral  Union,  1-4;  Concert  Choir,  2,3, 
4;  Football  squad,  2,3,4. 

16  Arlington  Avenue 

Thomasvllle,  North  Carolina 

McLAURIN,  DELORES  ALEASE,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  Com- 
mercial Club,  1-4,  Treasurer,  4,  Reporter  of  Retailing  Club,  4;  Re- 
proter  of  Bookkeeping  Club,  3;  President  of  Foundations  of  Busi- 
ness Club,  3;  President  of  Transcription  Club,  4;  Y  W  C  A,  1;  Pyra- 
mid Club,  2,3;  Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority,  Chaplain,  4;  NEA,  4. 

Route  2,  Box  171 

Fayetteville,  North  Carolina 

McMillan,  PEARUNE  CYNTHIA,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  Com- 
mercialClub,  1-4;  Sunday  School  Staff,  Assistant  Secretary;  Y  W  C  A, 
2-4;  Goler  Hall  House  Council,  Treasurer,  3;  NEA;  Ivy  Leaf  Club,  2; 
U  N  C  F,  4;  Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  Sorority,  3,4;  Alpha's  Sweetheart 
Attendant,  4;  Choral  Union,  1,2,3. 

125  Lemon  Street 

Lumberton,  North  Carolina 

McNeil,  nancy  ANN,  B.S.,  chemistry;  Class  Assistant  Secretary, 
1-4;  Secretary 2;  Julia  B.Duncan  Players,  1-4;  French  and  German 
Club  1,2;  Y  W  C  A,  1-3;  Goler  HaU  House  Council,  3;  Sunday  School 
Staff;  WAA,  3,4;  Natural  Science  Club,  3,4;  NEA:  Yearbook  Staff ; 
Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority,  2-4;  Senior  Counselor. 

West  Fourth  Avenue 

Red  Springs,  North  Carolina 

McPHAIL,  ESTHER  EVELYN,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  Choral 
Union,  1-4;  Concert  Choir,  3,4;  Y  W  C  A,  1-4;  Commercial  Club, 
1-4;  Secretary,  Church  School,  4;  Prayer  Meeting  Council;  NEA; 
Typist  Livingstone  Staff,  1-3;  Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  Sorority,  3,4. 

1316  Carolina  Street 

Wilson,  North  Carolina 

MORELAND,  MARY  DEL  GRATIA,  B.S.,  Chemistry;  Julia  B.  Dun- 
can Players;  Y  W  C  A;  Goler  Hall  House  Council;  Student  Council; 
Natural  Science  Club,  Pre-Alumni  Club;  French  and  German  Club. 

Post  Office  Box  881 

Rock  Hill,  North  Carolina 


MOSES,  HENRY  ARCHIE,  B.S.,  Chemistry;  Student  Council,  1-4, 
president,  4;  Fellowship  of  Growing  Teachers,  1-3;  Treasurer  of 
Church  School,  2;  Y  M  C  A,  1-4,  president,  2;  Intramural  Sports, 

1-  4;  Class  President,  2,3;  North  Carolina  State  Student  Legislature, 
2,3,4;  President  of  Pre-Alumni  Club,  3;  Beta  Kappa  Chi  Scientific 
Honor  Society,  3,4;  Assistant  to  Chemistry  Department,  3,4;  Who's 
Who  In  American  Universities  and  CoUeges,  3,4;  Senior  Counselor; 
Omega  Psi  Phi  Fraternity,  2,3,4;  College  Scholarship  award,  3,4. 

1007  North  Brooks  Street 
Gastonia,  North  Carolina 

McEACHIN,  SHIRLEY  LEE,  B.A.,  Elementary  Education;  Y  W  C  A, 
1,2;  Sunday  School  Staff,  3;  French  Club,  1,2;  National  Education 
AssociationSecretary,  4;  WAA,  3;  Prayer  Meeting  Council,  3;  Choral 
Union,  1-4;  Commercial  Club,  3;  Ivy  Leaf  Club,  1,2;  Alpha  Kappa 
Alpha  Sorority,  3,4. 

Post  Office  Box  842 

Maxton,  North  Carolina 

PARKER,  THERESA,  B.A.,  Elementary  Education. 
422  Broad 

East  Spencer,  North  Carolina 

PATTERSON,  ELFREDA  LENORA,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  Com- 
mercial Club  1,2,3,4;  Spanish  Club  1,2,  Vice  President,  Y  W  C  A  1; 
WAA  1/2;  Choral  Union  1,2,3,4;  Concert  Choir  3,4;  N  E  A;  Senior 

Counselor  4;  Ivy  Leaf  Club,  1,  Corresponding  Secretary;  Alpha  Kappa 
Alpha  Sorority  2,3,4,  Epistolius  3,4;  Pan-Hellenic  Council  3. 
Box  286 

Laurinburg,  North  Carolina 

RAMSEUR,  CYPHESE  JACQUELYN,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  JuUa 
B.  Duncan  Players  1-4;  Y  W  C  A  1;  Spanish  Club  1-2;  Pre-Alumni 
Club  4;  N  E  A  4;  Commercial  Club  2-4;  Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority 

2-  3;  W  A  A  4;  Senior  Counselor. 

608  Taylor  Street 

Rock  Hill,  South  Carolina 

RICE,  LOUISE,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  YW  C  A  1-2;  Goler  Hall 
House  Council,  Secretary  4;  Year  book  Staff  3,4;  French  Club  1,2; 
Choral  Union  1,2,4;  Lyceum  Usher  4.  Archonian  Club,  Secretary  1, 
President  2;  Zeta  Phi  Beta  Sorority  3,  Grammateus  4;  Phi  Beta 
Sigma  Fraternity  Sweetheart,  1958-59;  Commercial  Club  1,2,3,4. 

606  Kahler  Street 

Thomasville,  North  Carolina 

ROBINSON,  ROSETA,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  MissUNCF  4;  Com- 
mercial Club  1-4;  Zeta  Phi  Beta  Sorority  3-4. 

P.  O.  Box  251 

Spencer,  North  Carolina 

ROSE,  WINFORD  LYSANDER,  A.B.  English,  Assistant  in  English 
Department  2,3,4;  English  Club  President,  4;  Julia  B.  Duncan  Play- 
ers, 3,4;  Spanish  Club  1,2,3;  Dodge  HaU  House  Council  1;  Y  M  C  A 
1,2,3,4;  Livingstone  Staff  1,2;  Lyceum  Usher  1,2;  Student  Representa- 
tive to  Evaluation  Committee  4;  Phi  Beta  Sigma  Fraternity-Business 
Manager,  Pan-Hellenic  Council  3,4;  Senior  Counselor. 

Post  Office  Box  121 

Lake  Waccamaw,  North  Carolina 

SANDERS,  HATTIE  LOUISE,  B.S.  Business  Education;  Y  W  C  A  1; 
JuUa  B.  Duncan  Players  2,3,4;  French  and  German  Club  2;  Choral 
Union  1,2,3,4;  Concert  Choir  3;  V.C.E.  2,3,4;  Pyramid  Club  2,3; 
Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority  4;  Commercial  Club  2,3,4. 

Route  1,  Box  237 

Cheraw,  Sovrth  Carolina 

SHECK,  JAMES  EDWARD,  B.A.,  Sociology. 
1016  Short  Street 
Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

SHIPMAN,  WENDELL,  B.S.,  Biology;  Natural  Science  Club  1-4; 
Year  book  Staff;  Y  M  C  A  1-4;  Pre-Alumni  Club  3;  Alpha  Phi  Alpha 
Fraternity  (chaplain)  4;  NEA  4. 

Post  Office  Box  32 

Clarkton,  North  Carolina 

SMOOT,  BETTY  YVONNE  SAWYER,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  Com- 
mercial Club,  1-4;  Zeta  Phi  Beta  Sorority,  3,4,  Archonian  Club. 

618  West  Horah  Street 

Salisbury,  North  Carolina 

STEWARD,  HERBERT  LEE,  B.A.,  Sociology;  JuUa  B.  Duncan  Play- 
ers, 1-2;YMCA,  1-3;  Harris  Hall  House  Council,  2;  Football  Team, 
3;  "L"  Club;  Sphinx  Club. 

910  North  Lloyd  Street 

Suffolk,  Virginia 

STEWART,  JAMES  W.,  B.A.,  Sociology,  Class  Treasurer  1,  Vice 
President  4;  Dramatics  1;  Prayer  Meeting  Council  1-4;  Church  School 
Staff;  Phi  Beta  Sigma  Fraternity;  Pre-Alumni  Club. 

118  West  Virgil  Street 

Whiteville,  North  Carolina 

STONER,  AVERY  CROMWELL,  B.S.,  Business  Education;  Com- 
mercial Club  1-4. 

406  Davison  Avenue 

East  Spencer,  North  Carolina 

TEAL,  BARBARA  LOUISE,  B.A.,  Elementary  Education;  French 
Club  1-3;  Y  W  C  A,  1-2;  WAA  3-4;  NEA  4;  JuUa  B.Duncan  Players, 

2-  3. 

1001  South  Parker  Street 

Monroe,  North  CaroUna 
THARRINGTON,  GEORGE,  JR.,  B.S.,  Biology;  Senior  Class  Presi- 
dent; Pan-HellenicCouncil;StudentCouncilRepresentative;  Y  M  C  A 

3-  4;  Natural  Science;  Omega  Psi  Phi  Fraternity. 

410  College  Street 
Henderson,  North  CaroUna 

THOMAS,  CAROLYNE  PATRICIA,  B.A.,  Music;  College  Choral 
Union,  1-4;  MENC,  3-4;  String  Ensemble,  3-4;  Cheerleader,  1-4; 
Varsity  "L"  Club  2-4;  Y  W  C  A,  1;  Spanish  Club,  1-4;  Ivy  Leaf  Club, 
4;  NEA,  4;  Pre-Alumni  Club,  3-4;  Attendant  to  "Miss  UNCF  2,3. 
Church  School  Staff,  1-4;  WAA,  3-4. 

726  Elmwood  Street 

Montgomery,  Alabama 

WATKINS,  IRENE  DELORIS,  B.A.,  Sociology;  Social  Science  Club 
3-4;  Pre-Alumni;  Commercial  Club  1-2;  Y  W  C  A;  1-4. 
Cooleemee,  North  Carolina 

WATSON,  BERNICE,  B.A.,  Elementary  Education;  YWCA  1-3; 
Livingstone  Staff;  Prayer  Meeting  Council  1-2;  WAA  4;  French  and 
GermanClub  1-2;  Zeta  Phi  Beta  Sorority  3,4;  NEA  3-4;  Pre-Alumni 
Club  3-4;  Assistant  Sunday  School  Teacher. 

General  DeUvery 

Marven,  North  CaroUna 

WITHERS,  CELESTE  W.,  B.S.,  Sociology;  Choral  Union  1-4;  Concert 
Choir  3-4;  Ivy  Leaf  Club  1-3;  Spanish  Club  1-2;  YWCA;  Prayer 
Meeting  Council  2-4. 

Post  Office  Box  745 

Davidson,  North  CaroUna 




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